WebStorm is an IDE for improvement utilizing the advanced JavaScript language explicitly. Despite the fact that it's a lightweight apparatus, it actually contains complete highlights for convoluted worker side and customer side improvement with Node.js. Made by JetBrains, a profitability programming engineer, the application uses the amazing JavaScript biological system and gives valuable highlights to developers, for example, driving structures, TypeScript, language template, refactoring and route, live mistake identification, and code culmination.
ctrl + shift + n | Open the file in the project, the aim is to open the file in any directory under the current project. |
ctrl + j | output templates |
ctrl + b | skip to declare variables at |
ctrl + alt + T | wrapped around the code (including the zencoding Wrap with Abbreviation) |
ctrl + [] | match {} [] |
ctrl + F12 | to display the current configuration file |
ctrl + x | Cut (Delete) the row is not selected, the direct shear entire row if the selected part of the selected content is cut |
alt + left / right | tag switching |
ctrl + r | Replace |
ctrl + shift + up | Line Mobile |
shift + alt + up | (Mobile if () {}, while () {} statement block) block moves |
ctrl + d | OK Replication |
ctrl + shift +] / [ | Select Code Block |
ctrl + / | single-line comment |
ctrl + shift + / | block comment |
ctrl + shift + i | show details of the currently selected CSS or a JS Function |
ctrl + '- / +' | any code block can be folded in the project, it is not selected folding, but folding automatic identification. |
ctrl + '.' | Code folding the selected code. |
shift + Esc | any currently activated widget minimized may be alt + keys, numeric display in a small window. |
alt + '7' | displays the current function of the structure. |