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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

The best way to include someone's video in a tweet

Do you find ways to embed a video in a tweet? If it is the case, do follow the steps below.

There will be few people on the earth who do not use Twitter. Whereas in the past, we had to wait for newspapers and news channels to learn about current affairs, today we get the majority of our news via Twitter. Twitter offers several features to its users such as Retweet, Direct Message, etc.

Even today, some Twitter users are unaware of several functionalities available on Twitter, one of the most inquired is how to embed someone's Twitter video without retweeting. Many Twitter users are anxious to learn more about it in-depth, so today I will show you a trick that will allow you to easily embed any Twitter video without having to retweet it.


The steps to embed a Twitter video on an iPhone are as follows: 

It's simple to embed Twitter videos on your iPhone without having to retweet them. To learn the entire process, follow the steps listed below. 

Step 1. To begin, open your Twitter app or go to the Twitter website and find the tweet with the video you wish to share.

Step 2: After you've chosen a video, click on it. 

Step 3: A pop-up menu will display on your iPhone's screen, with a variety of alternatives. From these options, tap "Tweet video" and choose the "Tweet video" button.

Step 4: If you want to include a message with your video, you can do it, after editing the tweet and publishing it on Twitter.


The steps to embed a Twitter video on an Android device are as follows: 

Follow the instructions below to embed Twitter videos from an Android phone instead of an iPhone. 

Step 1: First, go to your Twitter account and look for a tweet that has a video.

Step 2: After you've found the video-containing tweet, go to the "Retweet" and "Like" sections and look for the "Share" button. Once you've discovered it, select it. 

Step 3: Now head to the "Add Copy" button and click on it. 

Step 4: Select the blue Compose button to compose a Twitter message.

Step 5. Now type your tweet and hit the "Tweet" button. 

Step 6. Paste the copied video link at the bottom of the Twitter message, followed by "/video/1." 

Step 7. Now, tap the Tweet option to share the video with your followers.

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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