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What makes 6G unique? When will it be launched in India?

If you wish to learn more about the 6G network, do read the article.

With the advent of 4G, the internet was revolutionized. Only after the advent of 4G did the use of Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube tend to rise in our lives, and many other mobile applications began to emerge online. Now, 6G is on its way to augment the internet experience. When people hear the name 6G, the first question that comes to their mind is, When 4G meets all of our needs, what is the need for 6G? I've introduced some features to help you better understand your query; take a look at them. 


What makes 6G unique? 

Previously, we had to go a long distance to have surgery performed, but with the arrival of 6G, doctors will be able to perform surgery virtually from anywhere in the world. Apart from that, with the support of 6G, self-driving would be possible. People have been more interested in the Metaverse since Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg made a video on it. However, only when 6G is present in the world the metaverse will be able to function properly.


Is it really necessary to launch 6G? 

Whereas in the past, we had to send crucial messages via telegram and post and wait days for a response, we can now send and receive the same messages in seconds over the internet. In today's world, the majority of work is dependent on the internet, and in the coming years, the use of the internet will skyrocket, necessitating the need for high-speed internet connections that can only be possible following the launch of the 6G internet network. A 6G network can transfer data 50 times quicker than a 5G network. As a result, a 6GB HD movie that takes 8.5 minutes to download on a 5G network will only take 51 seconds to download on a 6G network.


When will 6G be available in India? 

While 5G is yet to arrive in India, the question of when 6G would arrive in India has sparked users' curiosity. Let me tell you that 6G will most likely be available in India by the end of 2023. The government is putting a lot of effort into preparation for the debut of 6G.

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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