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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

How to write a software or Mobile application feature list.

Next part of Article - How to write requirement document for new software idea.

This task is very simple as same as we analyses and writes all the available feature at the time we planned to purchase a car, laptop or a bike

  • Write down the core functions in a list.

For Example – If we want to write the core functions of a car then we will write a bellow feature.

  1. Four tires.
  2. 1 Simple Horn or pressure horn.
  3. Aloe wheels.
  4. AC no AC
  5. Four sitters or eight sitters etc.

These may be the common core feature or functions of any car.

Use the provided template and tick mark every core function you need in your software.

  1. Login /Registration/Social Media Login/OTP Login
  2. Profile Management
  3. Rate and Review
  4. Filters & Sorting’s
  5. Discount Coupon System
  6. Chat
  7. Favorites
  8. Referral
  9. Help and Support/ Raise Issue
  10. Custom auto-generated mail system.
  11. Payment Gateways
  12. My Wallet System
  13. Point System
  14. Settings
  15. Notifications FCM
  16. Reminders
  17. Google Or Facebook Analytics Integration
  18. Content Encryption
  19. Language converter
  20. Local database storage
  • Now explain each point in deep or just tick mark the available options from the list.
  1. Login /Registration/Social Media Login/OTP Login
  • The user can sign up using facebook, Google, Email and phone number.
  • Sign up using facebook Only
  • Sign up using Google Only.
  • Sign up using Email Only with OTP.
  • Sign up using phone Numbers only with OTP.
  • Sign up using Email Only without OTP.
  • Sign up using phone Number only without OTP.
  • For login via phone, the user would get an OTP.
  • Multi-User type Registration/Login.
  • Forget Password.
  • Multi-level authentication check (OTP, Email code, Robot check)
  1. Profile Management
  • The user can edit the name, phone number (re-OTP verification, email)
  • The user can edit the payment method
  • The user can logout from the profile
  • The user can ADD/DELETE Multiple addresses
  • Edit address.
  1. Rate and Review
  • The user can mark rating in starts from 5 to 1.
  • Users can write the review.
  • Users can select the review content from the pre-written list.
  • Users can mark like or dislike only.
  • Users can attach an image in the review. 
  1. Filters & Sorting’s
  • Date
  • Price
  • Low to high
  • High to Low
  • Color
  • Size
  • Ascending - Descending
  • Population
  • Star Rating
  • Near me
  • Category
  • Seek Bar
  1. Discount Coupon System -

The user can put discount coupons while making the order to avail a discount if the coupon is valid the cost would get deducted from the final price. The discount coupons would be generated by admin.

  • Users can select a coupon from the list available in the software.
  • Used coupons should show in a different color.
  • Users can copy and paste coupons from outside the software.
  • The discount should be in percentage.
  • The discount should be in the exact amount.
  1. Chat

Type of chat using FCM

  • Text Chat
  • Voice Chat
  • Video Chat (Only with the third party like Trilo )
  • File Share
  • Email Chat
  • Current Location Share
  • Image share
  • Video share
  • Third-Party Chat system (E.G. Trillo)


  • The user can click on any profile and initiate a chat.
  • There would be a separate chat window where all the chats would be there like in FB.

     7. Favorites

  • The user can mark anything (E.g. Item, Product, Hotel, etc)as a favorite and marked things would appear in the favorite tab.
  • Every favorite item will show with favorites mark is another list as well.
  • Users can unmark the favorite item.

     8. Referral

  • The users can share a referral link or a unique code with their friends.
  • The friends can signup using that code.
  • The friend would get a custom discount coupon that the user can use while making the order.
  • The referrer would be notified via push notification.
  1. Help and Support/ Raise Issue
  • The user can raise a ticket general ticket by selecting the issue from the list of issues on the screen help and support and filling the form.
  • The user can view the ticket status and response in the support tab in my profile.
  • The issue would be given a ticket number.

     10. Custom auto-generated mail system.

  • Mail on registration
  • Mail on Login
  • Mail on Payment deduction

    11. Payment Gateways

  • Stripe (Google Wallet)
  • Google pay
  • PayTm
  • PayPal
  • PayUMoney
  • Proxy Pay
  • Bitcoin
  • Razer
  1. My Wallet System
  • A wallet can be upgraded through third party payment gateways.
  • The wallet can be partially used in case of insufficient funds and rest and be used from third party payment gateways.  
  1. Point System
  1. Settings
  • Profile setting
  • Logout
  • Password Change
  • Location ON/OFF
  • Notifications ON/OFF
  • Change City / Country
  1. Notifications FCM
  • Notification without image
  • Notification with image
  • Open a particular screen on the click of notification. (Custom Notification)
  1. Reminders
  2. Google Or Facebook Analytics Integration
  3. Content Encryption
  4. Language converter ( E. G. French, English, Spanish, Arabic )
  • Google Convertor
  • Other
  • Only on UI element content convertor.

   20. Local database storage

  • Now your core function or feature list is ready.
  • Next doc types are Behavior, Appearance, and Configuration.
  • Wait for the next article. 

Note – Content is subject to pure copyrights of Anything Infotech Pvt Ltd.

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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