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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

How to Speed Up YouTube’s Playback Speed (or Slow It Down)

here in this article, we will show you How to Speed Up YouTube’s Playback Speed (or Slow It Down)

How to Speed Up YouTube’s Playback Speed (or Slow It Down)

Have you ever sped up the video playback audio and video? Or are you watching a video and want to speed up/slow down the speed of it? Well if so, then you have arrived at the right place to get your answer. Here in this article, we are going to show you all the steps on how to speed up YouTube playback speed to up or down.  Read the complete article to unlock the information.

Want to speed up or down the playback speed?

You can set the playback speed according to your wish. YouTube has included this feature a long time ago, where the user can reduce or increase the video speed as per the requirements. This helps in your work and makes the app more user-friendly. You can change the speed from 0.25 times to 2x(twice the normal speed) times.

If you are making some notes while watching the video then pausing it might become irritating, there you can use this feature. The normal speed set by youtube is 1x times but it completely depends upon you what kind of speed you want.

Steps to change the speed from settings:

  1. To begin with, open any video and play it for the first ten seconds.
  2. This is just to compare the speeds.
  3.  You will find one settings icon at the left side of the bottom.
  4. Click and now press the playback speed option.
  5. Now you can see the sub-options of the same.
  6. Try and experiment at least all for one o that you will get hands-on all, and automatically you will be able to get your comfortable one.
  7. The best part about this feature is, you can change the seed anytime.


This was all about the youtube speed playback process. Do we hope this article helped you in changing the speed of your videos? What are your views on the same? Share with us in the comments. For more updates like this stay tuned with us! Till then, have happy learning.

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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