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Future-proof your career in pandemic - Upskilling

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way businesses operate and function. Remote working has become a new norm and companies are moving towards digital transformation to thrive and survive.

Future-proof your career in pandemic - Upskilling

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way businesses operate and function. Remote working has become a new norm and companies are moving towards digital transformation to thrive and survive. Some big investments are happening in automation, AI and digitization and companies are on the lookout for resources with these future skills.   Unfortunately, there aren’t enough employees who have mastered these skills and there seems to be an urgent need for upskilling in these current times.

Let us now discuss in detail how investing in upskilling can be the best way to future-proof your career.  

Elevate your digital skills

The world is digital and current times demand career upgradation with new skills. There are ample opportunities available online and you can easily acquire these skills through eLearning portals, virtual classes, learning modules and so on. When you complete the upskilling course from any prestigious university or company, you get a completion certificate that acts as proof that you have mastered a particular skill. 

Gets you better job opportunities

Organisations across the world are now looking for can didates with  additional skill. Someone who is pursuing courses in the most in-demand skills like AI, automation, machine learning etc. Such candidates with relevant certifications will be valued more in the long run and stay relevant for a longer duration. 

Independence to choose

While you upgrade your skills, you have the independence to choose the skill you would like to pursue a career in. Doing a course as per your expertise will enhance your existing skills and help you get a better job. So, prepare a list of all things you wish to achieve and decide on the best skill that excites you. 

Identify the right course

There are a wide variety of online courses available, so be very clear in your mind and decide on the best course after evaluating various career possibilities. Check all the essential parameters before enrolling for any course whether it is full-time or part-time. Do feature comparison, talk to industry experts and gauge how a particular course will help to advance your career. 

Opt for financing options

With the rising demand for upskilling courses in the current times, many financial institutions are offering loans to finance these courses. This is helping a large number of professionals to pursue a course without having to worry about finances. The best part is most of these loans are available on a pay as you learn basis so professionals can learn a skill, become expert at it and take their career to great heights without any financial hurdle.

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  1. How to switch to a Data Science career from different backgrounds?
  2. Want to learn machine learning? ISRO offers free online certification in machine learning
A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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