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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

Five Best Programming Language to learn in 2021

Jun 24, 2021 JavaScript, Python, Swift, R, Java, 3509 Views
Five Best Programming Language to learn in 2021

Five Best Programming Language to learn in 2021

Whenever learning or starting to learn a new programming language, it always comes to mind that which programming language to learn or what is the main purpose of the programming language, or if it aligns with your future projects. So in this article, you will at least get your answer to the question of why a specific programming language.

Here are the top five programming language to learn in 2021:

  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • R
  • Swift
  • Java

Python - Trending of a programming language depends upon the functionality and future prospect. That is the simple reason why Python is our first choice. Be at Machine Learning or Data Science or even Artificial Intelligence-based projects, python is one of the pioneer programming languages that the user looks into due to the modules or libraries available. It provides a suitable language to execute your purpose or even adding more features available in existing libraries.

JavaScript - Looking to learn and to be a Web Developer, well JavaScript is what you look into after having to practice on HTML and CSS. On top of the cream, JavaScript provides frameworks that can be learned which will add even more charm to your web projects. It is very promising to learn JavaScript and to skill up in JavaScript and implement that knowledge into your projects.

R - With the rise of data science and data analytics R programming language is growing too. R programming language is one of the great options to look and learn if you want to think to start playing with data be it analytics or visualization and many more.

Swift - If you are interested to build an application for the Apple ecosystem then you should look and learn Swift - very much optimized for development and build anything from scratch for any device from watch to iPhone or even Mac applications.

Java - Learning Java has fun. It has features and even libraries to help you with development. Learn to build Applications or even more. The Java Programming language can even be used in Machine Learning. Organizations are using JAVA and offering great career opportunities to Java developers.

Learning Programming language is fun and interesting, but it should be kept in mind the purpose of doing and learning. Each and every programming language unique and might have its unique attributes for its usability. Hope this article helped you to get a basic architecture.

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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