Difference between Absorption and Adsorption | Absorption vs Adsorption

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Paper : Science Differences FAQs | Platform : Vs or Differences FAQs | Category : General FAQs


Absorption is a physical or chemical process in which atoms, ions and molecules from one substance enters into another solid or liquid substance. Absorbate is the substance that gets absorbed and absorbent is the substance that absorbs.

Absorption can be physical or chemical 

  • Chemical Absorption-In this a chemical reaction takes place between absorbent and absorbate during  absorption
  • Physical Absorption-This on the other hand is a non-reactive process that happens between two states of matter for eg liquid absorbing a gas(oxygen in the air getting absorbed by water)atmosphere or solid absorbing a liquid (clay pot absorbing some of the water stored in it.

Adsorption-It is a phenomenon of adhesion of the molecules of a substance by liquid or solid surface. The surface where it happens is called the interface. Zeolites (removes carbon dioxides from natural gas), activated carbon(removes impurities from water), silica gel(protects electronics and clothing by adsorbing moisture) are examples of commonly used adsorbents.

It is also of two types-

  • Physical-In this weak van der Waals forces exist between the two components.
  • Chemical-In these covalent bonds are formed between the two components.

Let us now understand some of the differences



It means a substance diffusing into another (liquid or solid).

Gas or liquid molecules bind into solid or liquid surfaces.

It is a bulk event. 

It is a surface event. 

Absorbate is uniformly distributed.

Absorbate sticks to the surface.

Occurs uniformally.

Gradually increases.

The concentration of Absorbate is uniform.

Concentration is more at the surface than any other part.

It can be described as an endothermic process.

It can be described as an exothermic process.

Equilibrium happens slowly.

Equilibrium happens quickly.