Difference between abuse and dependence | Abuse vs Dependence

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Paper : Medical Differences FAQs | Platform : Vs or Differences FAQs | Category : General FAQs

Substance Abuse-It means consuming a substance or drug in amount or in a method that is not approved by medical professionals or against guidelines and government policies. If a person is involved in drug abuse he/she may be 

  • Doing illegal activities.
  • It May have risk-taking nature.
  • A lot of personal/interpersonal issues.
  • No interest in daily activities.


Substance dependence-

It is a condition in which a person behaves normally only if he is under the influence of drugs. This happens because of drug overuse and experiences withdrawal symptoms when the drug is not available. A person under drug dependency 

  • Develops a tolerance for the drug because of which they need more quantity to get the same effect.
  • Nausea, omitting, sweating are some of the symptoms that they develop if the drug is not available.
  • Anxiety, depression.
  • Unsuccessful in quitting this habit.

Let us now elaborate on the differences

Substance Abuse

Substance Dependence

Buying and consuming drugs without a doctor’s prescription.

Addicted to consuming drugs.

A person gets the desired effect by consuming even a small amount.

The amount is increased to get the desired effect.

A person doesn’t have a strong and sudden urge to consume the drug.

More quantity is used to get the desired effect.

It is a physical craving.

It is psychological craving.

Easy to get rid of this habit.

Not easy to quit.

Withdrawal symptoms are mild.

Withdrawal symptoms are severe.

Brain cells do not adapt to substance abuse.

Brain cells get accustomed due to repeated use and function normally only after a person is under the effect of a drug.

Does not cause addiction.

Leads to addiction.