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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

how to search quickly on windows 11

Jun 24, 2021 windows 11 how to search quickly, 520 Views
here in this article, I will tell you how to quickly search on windows 11


Sometimes it is very important to find and search things quickly without going and tapping the back button but how to do this in windows? If you too are finding the answer to the same question then don't worry as you have arrived at the right place to get your answer

 Here in this article, I will tell you how to do this read the whole article till the end and don't skip in between

There are in total 3 ways to get the things on search fastly here let's break all the steps 




This is one of the easiest ways to do the thing in this step you have to just simply press windows+s side by side on the keyboard after typing the same keys at once it will pop up the search button and there you can type the name of the app which you want to search it can be apps of music, pdf files and documents and if you find like you didn't get your desired app you can go for the more option in it. This was one of the ways  through which you can search quickly the things on Windows 11 and here is the second way through which you can  find the things quickly




Here in this, you will see a button like a magnifying glass tap that is the only taskbar button present through which you can get the apps and all it will be the same you have got after pressing the windows+S but the steps are different  here you can write the name of any app or file and you will get that easily this was all about the second and the first step now the last and the third way to find and get the things easily in your windows 11 is CLICK START AND THEN TYPE YOUR FINDING FILE/APP


In this step go on the search button you will get a search button type anything you want to ask there. And I will the shown steps are the easiest one none of the steps can be easier than this clicking on the taskbar or pressing windows+s once waring the best and easier ones 


So this was all about how to search things quickly on Windows 11. We hope this article will help in saving your time. What are your thoughts on this? Share with us in the comments.

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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