Get Files List From Directory In C#
In this blog, we will create a c# program that prints a list of all files from a particular directory with the file name and file size.
In this blog, we will create a c# program that prints a list of all files from a particular directory with the file name.

Files In Directory
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace GetFileFromDirectory
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(@"E:\Movies");
FileInfo[] Files = d.GetFiles();
Console.WriteLine("Files in this directory.");
foreach (FileInfo file in Files)
Console.WriteLine("File Name : {0}" , file.Name);
- In above code we get directory/ folder info by passing our folder path in DirectoryInfo Constructor.
- Then we create an array of FileInfo and get all files which are in our directory by our variable d.
- Then iterate that FileInfo array and print file name one by one.
Source : My Website