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Showing articles with program. Show all articles
C program to drop a database table dynamically in SQLite | C program
C program to create database table dynamically in SQLite | C program
C program to create SQLite database dynamically in Linux | C programming
C program to get SQLite version using 'SELECT' statement in Linux | C programming
In this program, we will get the SQLite version using the sqlite3_version() function. The sqlite_version() function returns the string that contains the SQLite version.
How to print program name using command-line argument in Linux Shell Script | Linux Shell Script
24/06/2021 PHP, 497 Views
How to check a case insensitive substring exists within the given string using a regular expression pattern in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 369 Views
How to demonstrate the regular expression to count the occurrence of a given substring in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 371 Views
How to demonstrate the regular expression to replace the substring within the string in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 223 Views
How to demonstrate the quantifiers in pattern to search a string using a regular expression in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 449 Views
How to demonstrate the use of $GLOBALS to access global variables in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 232 Views
How to print the filename of the current executing PHP script in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 422 Views
How to demonstrate the regular expression to count the occurrence of a given substring in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 207 Views
How to print the version of CGI used by the webserver in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 328 Views
How to print the server name or website name in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 289 Views
How to print the version of the server software in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 227 Views
How to print the server protocol in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 226 Views
How to print the request method used to access the webpage in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 224 Views
How to print the timestamp of the start of the request in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 210 Views
How to demonstrate the use of $_REQUEST superglobal variable in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 214 Views
How to demonstrate the use of $_POST superglobal variable in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 235 Views
How to decode the JSON string into an associative array in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 240 Views
How to demonstrate the json_encode() function with multi-dimensional array in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 190 Views
How to demonstrate the json_encode() function with indexed array of strings in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 213 Views
How to create Divide By Zero Exception class in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 208 Views
How to create a user-defined exception class in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 196 Views
How to demonstrate the finally block in exception handling in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 338 Views
How to create DivideByZeroException class in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 367 Views
How to create a user-defined exception class in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 262 Views
How to demonstrate the NULL reference exception using exception handling in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 336 Views
How to demonstrate the Array index out of bound exception using exception handling in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 289 Views
How to demonstrate the Divide By Zero Exception using exception handling in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 370 Views
 How to download the text file from the specified URL in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 418 Views
How to send a text e-mail message in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 308 Views
How to convert base64 into the simple string in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 506 Views
How to convert a string into base64 in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 346 Views
How to calculate the md5 hash from plaintext in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 296 Views
How to demonstrate the function returning object in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 298 Views
How to pass an object of class as an argument in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 255 Views
How to demonstrate the method overloading based on the number of arguments in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 295 Views
How to demonstrate the final keyword in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 269 Views
How to demonstrate the method overriding in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 275 Views
How to demonstrate the inheritance of abstract classes in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 233 Views
How to inherit an abstract class and an interface in a non-abstract class in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 338 Views
How to inherit an abstract class into multiple non-abstract classes in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 244 Views
How to demonstrate the final keyword in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 230 Views
How to demonstrate the method overriding in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 226 Views
How to demonstrate the inheritance of abstract classes in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 234 Views
How to inherit an abstract class and an interface in a non-abstract class in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 183 Views
How to inherit an abstract class into multiple non-abstract classes in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 309 Views
How to demonstrate the example of the simple abstract class in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 302 Views
How to demonstrate the inheritance of interfaces in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 332 Views
How to implement multiple-inheritance using the interface in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 388 Views
How to implement multiple interfaces in the same class in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 262 Views
How to implement an interface into multiple classes in PHP | PHP programs
In this article, you will learn about the Appcelerator mobile app development tool along with the small history and features. 
In this article, you will learn about the Appypie mobile app development tool along with its features. 
In this article, you will learn about R programming for data science. 
In this article, we will discuss the following pointers: What is Null Safety in kotlin? The difference between Nullable and Non-Nullable types. The cause through which NullPointerException occurs. What is the condition for checking null? How can we handle Null safety in kotlin?
24/06/2021 PHP, 335 Views
How to demonstrate the example of a simple interface in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 295 Views
How to demonstrate the hierarchical or tree inheritance in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 248 Views
How to demonstrate the multi-level inheritance in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 300 Views
How to call base class destructor from the derived class in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 441 Views
How to call a base class constructor from the derived class in PHP | PHP programs
In this article, you will learn about the following topics: What is the interface in kotlin? Characteristics of the interface in kotlin. Implementation of the interface. Implementation of multiple interfaces.
In this article, you will learn about the Datasets in the R programming language.
24/06/2021 PHP, 335 Views
How to demonstrate the single inheritance in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 360 Views
How to calculate the power of a given number using recursion in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 312 Views
How to calculate the factorial of a given number using recursion in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 311 Views
How to demonstrate the use of variable arguments in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 266 Views
How to demonstrate the use of default arguments in PHP | PHP programs
In this article, we will cover the following topicsWhat is JSON Parser?Advantages of JSON over XMLWhat is a JSON Object?What is JSON Array?
In this article, we will discuss the control statements used in Kotlin under which the following topics are covered - What are control statements?What are the If-else statement and its type?What is the when statement?What is the for loop statement?What is the while loop statement?What is the do-while loop statement?
In this article, you will learn about the functions of kotlin and its types. 
In this article, we will learn about the vectors in R programming language along with:What is a vector?Types of indexingTypes of vector
In this article, we will discuss the vector operations and functions of the R programming language.
In this article, you will learn about the Data Frames in the R programming language along withCharacteristics of Data FrameSteps to create the Data FrameStructure of Data FrameHow to extract data from Data Frame
In this article, you will learn about the visibility modifier and its type.
24/06/2021 PHP, 339 Views
How to demonstrate the call by reference parameter passing in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 370 Views
How to demonstrate the call by value parameter passing in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 317 Views
How to demonstrate the use of destructor in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 238 Views
How to implement the parameterized constructor using __construct() in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 301 Views
How to demonstrate the parameterized constructor in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 313 Views
 How to implement the default or no-argument constructor using __construct() in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 323 Views
How to demonstrate the default or no-argument constructor in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 333 Views
How to demonstrate the use of the local and global variables in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 259 Views
How to demonstrate the use of printf() function in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 246 Views
How to print the method name with the associated class name using magic constant __METHOD__ in PHP | PHP programs
In this article, we will learn the difference between Ionic Framework and React Native.
In this article, we will discuss the following pointers:What is SQLite?Explain in detail about SQLiteOpenHelper along with the functions. Explain in detail SQLiteDatabase class along with the functions.
In this article, we will learn about the following:What is inheritance?Example of inheritance
24/06/2021 PHP, 242 Views
How to print the class name using magic constant __CLASS__ in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 278 Views
How to print the function name using magic constant __FUNCTION__ in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 295 Views
How to print the full path of the current program file in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 305 Views
How to print the line number using __LINE__ magic constant in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 313 Views
How to check a constant is defined or not in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 365 Views
How to check a constant is defined or not in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 291 Views
How to create a case in-sensitive constant using define() function in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 332 Views
How to create a constant using define() function in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 255 Views
How to implement a cascaded function call in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 192 Views
How to convert hours, minutes, and seconds into several seconds in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 314 Views
How to convert seconds into hours, minutes, and seconds in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 356 Views
How to create a class to add two times in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 275 Views
How to create a class to subtract one distance from another distance in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 291 Views
How to create a class to add two distances in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 271 Views
How to create a class with setter and getter functions in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 292 Views
How to initialize data members without using the constructor in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 231 Views
How to print the size of the empty class in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 295 Views
How to define methods within the class in PHP | PHP program
24/06/2021 PHP, 262 Views
How to create multiple objects of a class and access attributes of the class in PHP | PHP program
In this article, we will discuss What is the type conversion?Types of type conversionExamples of type conversion
In this article, we will cover the following points:What is an Array?How to create an Array in kotlin?How to access the elements of an Array in kotlin?How to perform different operations in kotlin, like changing the value of an array and more?
In this article, we will cover the following pointers:What is an abstract class in kotlin?Syntax of an abstract classExample of the declaring an abstract class with the abstract member function.
In this article, we will cover the following:What are kotlin classes?What are objects?What is a nested class?What is an inner class?
In this article, you will learn about the following pointers:What are collections?How many types of collections does kotlin have?How to create the list, sets, maps in kotlin?
In this article, we will go through the following: What is an Exception?What is Exception Handling?Types of Exception in kotlin?
In this article, we will cover the following:- Introduction of kotlin.- Advantages of using kotlin language over Java language.
In this article, you will learn about the read and writing in the CSV file.
In this article, we will learn about:What Is Object-Oriented Programming? What are Object and Class?What are different concepts in OOPs?What is the S3 class?How to define the S3 class?What is an attribute?
In this article, you will understand:What is a loop?Why do programmers use a loop?What are the different types of loops in the R Language?Brief introduction of each loop. 
In this article, we will discuss:What is data structure?How many data structures do we have in the R languageBrief description of two data structures that is list and array.
In this article, you will understand the R-Functions.
In this article, you will learn about the packages in the R programming language.
In this article, you will get an understanding of the control statements used in the R programming language
In this article, you will learn about the operator in the R programming language.
In this article, you will understand the data types in the R programming language.
In this article, you will learn about the installation of R.
In this article, you will understand the features of the R language, the advantages of using the R language, and In which career option it is most appropriate to learn.
R programming language is an open-source programming language for statistical computation. In ancient times, statisticians who want to produce statistical and graphical applications. It supports n number of statistical analysis techniques, machine learning models, and graphical visualization for data analysis. It serves the purpose of the free software environment for statistical computation and graphics.
In this blog we create a program which show the week name after the specific days. In this program we take input from user in number of days and then show the date and week day name by adding that days in current date.
In Java every program has at least one class. All the programs are written in Java acts as a model of the real world having at least one or more than one class. To process it we can create several instances of a single class or multiple classes.
In Java every program has at least one class. All the programs are written in Java acts as a model of the real world having at least one or more than one class. To process it we can create several instances of a single class or multiple classes.
In this blog, we create a c# program that takes input from the user and check-in predefine array that how many times that number occurs in that array.
In this post, you'll see how to install R and R Studio on your local system ( Windows or Mac OS).
This article post will introduce R programming for beginners.
Five Best Programming Language to learn in 2021
Python is a free, open-source programming language. Therefore, all you have to do is install Python once, and you can start working with it. Not to mention that you can contribute your own code to the community.Python is also a cross-platform compatible language. So, what does this mean? Well, you can install and run Python on several operating systems. Whether you have a Windows, Mac, or Linux, you can rest assure that Python will work on all these operating systems.
In this blog, we will create a program in C# to check if an entered number is a perfect number or not.
Competitive Programming | How to start for Competitive Programming | What is Competitive Programming
In this article you will learn about paradigms of programming language.
If you are a new to Coding and want to start learing some Coding so must read this article.
What are some thinking patterns that you should develop or you should possess as a programmer?
In This Article, we'll discuss Run Word Count Java Mapreduce Program in Hadoop
The article aims to describe the importance of programming language keeping in mind of the year 2020
In this article you will learn about visual basic programming
In this article you will learn about increment and Decrement operator
in this article you will learn about int & float representation in c
In this article you will learn about variables
24/06/2021 array, 5594 Views
In this article you will learn about characteristics an array
This article will explain you different types of constructors in C# programming.
This article will explain you different types of classes in c# programming.
In this article we will discuss about array declaration.
in this article you can learn about types of loop in programming
In this article you can learn about Basic program of C
In this article, we will discuss the best programming language for DataScience
In this Article, we'll learn what is C# Programming language and it's history.
In this article, we'll see all the Common Types Of Error In Programming languages.
In this article, we will learn to analyze a sentence using Natural Language Processing on Python Platform
In this article, I'll let you know which are the programming languages that computer science students must learn in there college life.
Best in Class programming language for Artificial Intelligence | AI
Go (often referred to as Golang) is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google.
24/06/2021 Rust, 3127 Views
In this article learn about The Rust.
C programming language is the middle level language that means it's machine oriented as well as user oriented language.
10 Most Used Keywords In C#