Implementation of basic Hadoop commands
Jun 24, 2021
Hadoop commands,
In This Article, we'll discuss Implementation of basic Hadoop commands Used to start Hadoop daemons all at once. Issuing it on the master machine will start the daemons on all the nodes of a

jps(Java Virtual Machine Process Status Tool): JPS is a command is used to check all the Hadoop daemons like NameNode, DataNode, ResourceManager, NodeManager etc. which are running on the machine.
Syntax: jps

hadoop version: This command is use to check the version of Hadoop in which you are currently working.
Syntax: hadoop version

Java -version: This command is use to check the java version in which you are currently
Syntax: java version

mkdir:This command is use to make directories.
Syntax: hdfs dfs -mkdir [-p] <paths>

Now to check whether your directory created at the remote location or not you need to go to browser and type
gedit: It is the default text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. One of the neatest features of this program is that it supports tabs, so you can edit multiple
gedit <file_name>

put: This command is used to copy files from the local file system to the HDFS filesystem. . That is this command is use to upload file in directory which is created on remote
hdfs dfs -put <localsrc> <destination>
After that you need to check that your file shown at the remote location in that which you created prior.

cat: HDFS Command that reads a file on HDFS and prints the content of that file to the standard output.
Syntax: Usage:
hdfs dfs -cat URI [URI ...]

expunge: HDFS Command that makes the trash empty.
hdfs dfs –expunge

rm: Used to stop hadoop daemons all at once. Issuing it on the master machine will stop the daemons on all the nodes of a cluster.
hdfs dfs -rm /[dirname]/[filename]

cp: This command is use to copy data from one source directory to another.
hdfs dfs -cp [source] [destination]

tail: This command is used to show the last 1KB of the file.
hdfs dfs –touchz /directory/filename
mv: This command is similar to the UNIX mv command, and it is used for moving a file from one directory to another directory within the HDFS file system.
hdfs dfs -mv /[source_dir_name]/[file_name]/[destination_dir name] Used to stop hadoop daemons all at once. Issuing it on the master machine will stop the daemons on all the nodes of a cluster.