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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms


Jun 24, 2021 Cloud Computing, 2760 Views
In this article we will discuss bout the term Green Cloud Computing

Green Cloud Computing

Before Green Cloud Computing, let's clear some of the fundamentals of Cloud Computing. Well Cloud Computing model is responsible for convenient, on-demand access to a pool of configurable shared computing resources that can be served on the action, or released with minimal management effort or service provider action, to be very precise there are three service models and four deployment models. These models not only provide efficiency but also fill the specific requirements for some actions.


Cloud Computing has three major services, namely :

  • SaaS
    The SaaS is an acronym for Software as a Service
  • PaaS
    The PaaS is an acronym for Platform as a Service
  • IaaS
    The Iaas is an acronym for Infrastructure as a Service

    The above all serves as a better when choosing a model for Cloud Computing.



When talking about Cloud Computing it also comes our responsibility to use it wisely and efficiently to make sure it's being utilized well, which makes that the resources that are being used by any cloud applications are well utilized and not wasted, which will not only waste resources but also waste money and thus will not be economical.
Thinking of the very same the Green Cloud Computing was coined. Green Cloud Computing or better Green IT, it is a practice to achieve efficient processing and utilization of computing infrastructure, keeping in mind the overall cost of producing it, i.e, to minimize energy and resource consumption.

Green Cloud is a packet-level simulator for energy-aware cloud computing data centers, offering fine-grained consumption by the data center IT equipment.
The goals of Green Cloud Computing are:
Recycling materials
Optimizing architecture
Enhancing Supply resource usage
Optimizing Data Center
In other words, the Green cloud computing may be defined as a study and practice of resources to maximize usage with economical cost and minimal machine usage

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms