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MongoDB MCQ Quiz (Multiple Choice Questions And Answers)

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16. Which index is used to index the content stored in arrays?

  • Multikey Index
  • Compound Index
  • Text Index
  • Sparse Index

17. Consider that the posts collection contains an array called ratings which contains ratings given to the post by various users in the following format:

         _id: 1,
         post_text: "This is my first post",
         ratings: [5, 4, 2, 5],
         //other elements of document 			

Which of the following query will return all the documents where the rating array contains elements that in some combination satisfy the query conditions?

  • db.inventory.find( { ratings: { $elemMatch: { $gt: 3, $lt: 6 } } } )
  • db.inventory.find( { ratings: { ratings: { $gt: 5, $lt: 9 } } } )
  • db.inventory.find( { ratings: { ratings.$: { $gt: 5, $lt: 9 } } } )
  • db.inventory.find( { ratings: { $elemMatch: { $gte: 3, $lte: 6 } } } )

18. Which option should be used with findAndModify() command to return the modified document instead of the pre-modification document?

  • findAndModify by default returns the pre-modification document
  • Set {new : true}
  • Use the POST version of findAndModify called findAndModifyPost
  • Both b and c are valid

19. Which of the following collections are used by MongoDB to store GridFS data?

  • fs.files and fs.chunks
  • fs.grid and fs.chunks
  • fs.parts and fs.files
  • fs.chunks and fs.parts

20. Which of the following methods can be used in MongoDB for relation documents?

  • Manual References
  • DBRefs
  • Both a and b
  • There is no concept of relations in documents