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Linked List

List’ is a term used to refer to a linear collection of data items. Data processing involves data organized as a list. A list can be implemented either by using arrays or linked lists. In storing a list is to have each element in a list contain a field called a link or pointer, which contains the address of next element in the list. The successive elements in the list need not occupy adjacent space in memory.


Linked list is the most commonly used data structure used to store similar type of data in memory. The elements of a linked list are not stored in adjacent memory locations as in arrays.


It is a linear collection of data elements, called nodes. Where the linear order is implemented by means of pointers. A linked list allocates memory for storing list elements and connects elements together using pointers.

Types of Linked List

  • Singly Linked list
  • Doubly Linked list
  • Circular Linked list
  • Circular doubly linked list