Which Yoga Poses Prevent Lower Back Pain?

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Paper : Yoga FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for beginners | Platform : Yoga FAQs | Category : Health and Wellness FAQs

There are many yoga poses that can help us to prevent lower back pain, like:

  1. Cat-Cow Pose.
  2. Downward-Facing Dog Pose.
  3. Extended Triangle pose.
  4. Sphinx Pose.
  5. Cobra Pose.
  6. Locust Pose.
  7. Bridge Pose.

Let's read more about them in details:

Cat-Cow Pose Yoga-

This improves posture and balance and strengthens the spine, shoulder, and neck.

come onto all fours (tabletop position), knees under hips and arms straight under the shoulder. Inhale and tilt your pelvis back for cow pose, then exhale and tuck your tail bone for cat pose.

Downward-Facing Dog Pose Yoga-

It strengthens arms and legs.

Come to your hands and knees (tabletop position). Curl your toes inwards push back by hands lifting your hips and straightening your legs. Take a few breaths. Then lift your heels drop down your shin and come back to tabletop position.

Extended Triangle pose Yoga-

This standing posture may help get rid of backache, sciatica, and neck pain. It stretches your spine, hips, and strengthens your shoulders, chest, and legs. It may also help relieve stress and anxiety.

Stand with your feet 3-4 inches apart reach your arms outside parallel to the ground, turn your right foot 90 degrees to the right bend your right hand and place it next to your right foot, keep your left hand straight hold your breath, and slowly come back to starting position.

Sphinx Pose Yoga-

This strengthens your vertebral column and stretches your chest, shoulders, and abdomen. It may also help relieve stress.

Lie on your stomach legs side by side .set your elbows under the shoulder and forearms on the floor parallel to each other .inhale and lift your upper torso and head away from the floor lightly draw your belly away from the floor. stay for few breaths then exhale and slowly release your belly torso and head to the floor.

Cobra Pose Yoga-

This gentle back bending asana helps in stretching your abdomen, chest, and shoulders.

Lie flat on stomach, tilt head back until chin points forward. inhale and raise your navel off the ground. Breathe and hold the pose then exhale and slowly come back to starting position.

Locust Pose Yoga-

This helps in strengthening the vertebral column, arms legs, and buttocks.

Lie down on your stomach, then slowly lift your head and chest off the floor, then lift both the legs and reach back for elongation.

Bridge Pose Yoga-

Strengthens neck, chest, and spine stimulates abs

Lie down with stomach facing up. Reach your fingers towards heels and then slowly lift your pelvis and chest up and hold for a while and exhale and come back to starting position.