What is Ujjayi Pranayama?

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Paper : Yoga FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for beginners | Platform : Yoga FAQs | Category : Health and Wellness FAQs

Ujjayi Pranayama is also known as hissing breath or ocean breath.

Ujjayi Pranayama is a breathing technique through the nose in which you tighten the back of the throat to support lengthening each breathing cycle, slightly constricting the passage of air and making them sound like a light snore.

You can compare Ujjayi pranayam with a garden hose . . If you put your thumb partially over the opening of the hose, you increase the power of the water that is coming through. This is the same thing you are doing with your throat during ujjayi breathing. The air that we exhale through the constricted throat is more powerful directed breath.

If you have breathing disorders like asthma, this may be a little difficult, and stop doing it if you feel dizzy.

Benefits of Ujjayi Pranayama:

  • Improves concentration in the physical practice of yoga.
  • Instills endurance and builds energy.
  • It is beneficial for thyroid