Is warm up required before yoga?

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Paper : Yoga FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for beginners | Platform : Yoga FAQs | Category : Health and Wellness FAQs

"Yes", warm-up required before yoga.

A 10-minute warmup session is a must for any kind of exercise.

Warming up helps increase blood circulation, loosens your muscles, and prepares joints for any kind of movement. This also helps your body to increase the benefits of yoga and reduces the chance of injury caused by a sudden jerk or movement. Warm-up also helps to connect with your breath and prepares the mind to be calm.

If you have a sedentary lifestyle like sitting on a chair for an entire day warm-up exercises are extremely essential as your muscles are likely to be cold and stiff, but a person who has an active lifestyle has warmer and smooth muscles so their body takes less time to warm up.

Some Asanas like Surya Namaskar, standing in Tadasana, cat-cow pose, and shoulder rotations can be done for warming up your body.