Explain a few features of Java language

: 227
Paper : Java FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions and answers) for freshers | Platform : Object-oriented programming Language | Category : Programming FAQs

Features of Java language as follow:

  • Easy to learn: It is a syntax-based language. It is very simple to learn and understand the concepts of Java.
  • Object-Oriented: It is also known as a pure object-oriented programming language. It implements all the concepts of Object-oriented language.
  • Platform Independent: Java is a platform-independent language. During the compilation of java code, it is converted into byte code. The byte code can run on any of the platforms. The platform includes different hardware and software environments.
  • Highly Secured: It is extremely secured because there is no concept of pointers is used in Java.
  • Robust: It is a robust language. Java has a well-built memory management system.
  • Multithreaded: Java uses multi-threading which helps to make multitasking applications.
  • Portable: It is portable because it generates a byte code which is an intermediate code. It does not require any implementation. The byte code can run on any of the platforms.
  • Speedy: It is faster than the other traditional language but slower than the compiled language. It is interpreted Language. It means it checks the code line by line.

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