What is high availability in AWS?

: 222
Paper : AWS (Amazon Web Services) FAQ | Platform : Cloud Computing | Category : Development FAQs

AWS stands for Amazon Web Services and AWS is one of, most popular and ever-evolving cloud computing platforms developed by Amazon. This cloud computing platform not only allows the computation but also offers many other services in order to make it much easier for a developer to develop an application and also allows users to focus primarily on the business logic as it automatically manages most of the application components such as Operating system, hardware needed, memory required, etc with “pay as you go” pricing scheme.

The high availability of an application means how fast the application responds to the server or to the customer. Here availability means the application is available for the customer. Higher availability results in lower latency. So today in this article we will discuss various strategies to attain High availability on an application created on AWS.

For more details, read the full blog:

What is high availability in AWS?

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