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Tooltip is like a pop-up box for some element which can be anything such as a link, button, or a common text, to provide some additional information about that element. It shows up generally when we hover the mouse over that particular element.
These are some bootstrap interview questions which are very much popular.
The image slider works profoundly to give a very good touch to websites. It works best on project or product-based pages. This enables the visitor to view series of images as in a slide show. In bootstrap it comes very handy to perform the image slider or image carousel for a webpage.
The Bootstrap facility has a feature for building forms too. This feature enables the coder to generate a well defined and structured form layout with its features for the webpage.
Developing a webpage there are certain elements which are very much useful for the layout and the UI of the page. Creating a card like structure to display pictorial and text information is used widely.
Bootstrap has a very interesting feature of providing a navbar from its pre-built CSS and JS features. This navbar comes with variety of choices of features. This is really feasible for the coder to generate a nice responsive navbar with quite a few codes.
Bootstrap provides a very user friendly as well as responsive grid system for the webpage development. It works responsive due to built in flexbox properties. This uses a series of elements which includes container, row and column.
Bootstrap is a CSS framework used by the developers for web-based as well as mobile-based web-development. It has many designs and templates which are predesigned by CSS and JavaScript. They are very much useful to use and reduces the labour work or the coding work in the project.
The JavaScript provides us methods to enable speech recognition with Web Speech API. This API acts as a controller in the interface for the recognition service, along with an event handler called SpeechRecognition which fires the event.
this references the object executing the current function. Many are not aware of the this keyword in JavaScript due its very different functionality. The this keyword is basically used for calling some function by determining it, much like binding it.
There are defined instructions to with Dates in JavaScript. It is very handy and useful for working on live projects. Date objects are created by defining new Date(); constructor. Which can be saved in a variable or constant to be used later.
Drag and drop functionality of JavaScript is much of an essential thing to be used in most of the webpages. This is simple yet very much useful. Drag and drop function in JavaScript enables us to perform different tasks related to frontend which are shifting images or media on page, and it also helps to get data from our system to backend of webpage which is getting media files and documents.
With help of HTML, CSS and JavaScript a form can be made which will do functioning validations. These validations will check on whether the email is in right format or not and the entered password matches with the section of re-enter password section or not. If the input value does not meet the validation criteria, then it will also display error message.
The basic idea of the On Scroll event lies with the functioning of different tasks, such as animation, responsiveness, hiding or displaying and many more with respective to the scrolling of the page.
In this article, we’ll study about the attributes in HTML 5.
In this article, we'll study about the web forms in HTML5. We'll learn about the newly added attributes for web Forms in HTML5.
In this article, we'll study about semantics in HTML 5. These semantic elements helps to structure the web document in a better way
The basic idea revolves under the functionality of different keywords and defined functions. The core to produce a game of Stone-Paper-Scissor with JavaScript depends on the calling of functions and getting random values.
In this article, we’ll have a look on the overview of HTML 5. We’ll have an introduction of HTML 5.
Make your own Web-Application with Vanilla JavaScript, with really beginner level experience in coding.
In this article, you'll get to know about the most used Markup Languages Ever.