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Showing articles with Constant. Show all articles
24/06/2021 PHP, 246 Views
How to print the method name with the associated class name using magic constant __METHOD__ in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 242 Views
How to print the class name using magic constant __CLASS__ in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 278 Views
How to print the function name using magic constant __FUNCTION__ in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 306 Views
How to print the line number using __LINE__ magic constant in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 313 Views
How to check a constant is defined or not in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 365 Views
How to check a constant is defined or not in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 291 Views
How to create a case in-sensitive constant using define() function in PHP | PHP programs
24/06/2021 PHP, 332 Views
How to create a constant using define() function in PHP | PHP programs