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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

What is Azure Health Bot ?

Jun 24, 2021 Azure, Subham Ray, 5791 Views
Get an introductory knowledge about Azure Health Bot.

What is Azure Health Bot ?

What is Azure Health Bot ?

Azure Health Bot is a platform build for developers in Healthcare organisation , so that health bot and health assistant can be deployed , so that process can be enhanced and reduction in cost. The service allows healthcare organisations to create health bot instance, so that they can integrate it with their system , through which patients , doctors, nurses and other representataive can interact with during need. Building an instance allows you to:

  • Improve processes
  • Improve services
  • Improve outcomes
  • Reduces cost

It provides natural conversion experience. It ontains bulit in medical database, which also includes the triage protocols. Users can health bot instance to include different own scenaios. The service intelligence is powered by Azure Cognitive Service and credible world knowledge. Azure Health Bot simplifies process of creating a bot , which addresses regulatory and compliance of the industry, by:

  • Integration with Language Understanding Intelligent Service
  • Built in triage and symptom checker
  • Healthcare-specific configuration options
  • An extensible management portal
  • Integration with other cognitive services.

Azure Health Bot is easily managed and monitored via Health Bot Servce management portal and API . It contains built-in scenarios. Additional scenarios may be authored through the Scenario Editor.

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms