The first basic algorithm is binary search
This article will help you to check The first basic algorithm is binary search in Sort
Hi! Today I wanna start writing some short tips for different algorithms. The first basic algorithm is a binary search🙃
It helps you to find the element in a sorted array.
This algorithm is one of the simplest. It can be understood by looking at the next picture▶️Swipe▶️ Imagine we are looking for a number X in sorted array A.

- We put left (L) and right (R) “arrows” on the first and last elements of the sorted array.
- Then the middle (M) “arrow” is on the center of array: M = (L + R) / 2
- If the number in the place M is bigger then X, then we move arrow R to M. Else the arrow L to M (if a[M] > X then R = M, else L = M)
- Continue until L + 1 != R.
- The answer is on the element L
Easy? Yes! And the complexity of the binary search is O(log(n)), where n = length of an array. So, if n = 10^6, then you do ~20 operations instead of 10^6.
Here you can find problems on this algorithm:
Try to solve it😛