JavaScript Version History
JavaScript Versions History
JavaScript was invented in 1995. The founder of JavaScript was Brendan Eich. After two years, the language became the European Computer Manufacturer's Association (ECMA). The documentary name of the language is ECMAScript. The versions abbreviation are ES1, ES2, ES3, and more. In 2015, it was named as an ECMAScript 2015.
It was the first version introduced by the founder of JavaScript in 1997.
It was the second version released in 1998. It came with the same changes in the language.
It was the third version released in 1999. The version came with additional functionalities such as regular expression and try/catch.
It was the version announced by the team but never released.
It was released in 2009.
Multiple functionalities were introduced in the version:
- Add-on "strict mode"
- Add-on JSON support
- Add-on String.trim()
- Add-on Array.isArray()
- Add-on Array iteration methods
There are different parts of the version the was released.
In 2015,
- Add-on let and const
- Add-on default parameter values
- Add-on Array.find()
- Add-on Array.findIndex()
In 2016,
- Add-on exponential operator (**)
- Add-on Array.prototype.includes
In 2017,
- Add-on string padding
- Add-on Object.entries
- Add-on Object.values
- Add-on async functions
- Add-on shared memory
In 2018,
- Add-on rest / spread properties
- Add-on asynchronous iteration
- Add-on Promise.finally()
- Sum-up on to RegExp
ES1 | 1997 |
ES2 | 1998 |
ES3 | 1999 |
ES4 | Never Published |
ES5 | 2009 |
ES6 | 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 |