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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

Create a WordPress web resource and publish using Azure.

Jun 24, 2021 WordPress, web resource, Azure., 1570 Views
In This Article, we'll create a WordPress web resource and publish using Azure.

In This Article, we'll create a WordPress web resource and publish using Azure., So you just need to follow the Following Steps along with me and I hope you'll be able to do the same. First, you need to understand what is azure and it services if you new to Microsoft Azure, so follow this Article: What is Azure 

What is WordPress?

At its center, WordPress is the least difficult, most prominent approach to make your very own site or blog. Indeed, WordPress controls over 34% of the considerable number of sites on the Internet. Truly – more than one out of four sites that you visit are likely fueled by WordPress.

On a marginally increasingly specialized level, WordPress is an open-source content administration framework authorized under GPLv2, which implies that anybody can utilize or adjust the WordPress programming for nothing. A substance the board framework is fundamentally an apparatus that makes it simple to oversee significant parts of your site – like substance – without having to know anything about programming.

The final product is that WordPress makes assembling a site open to anybody – even individuals who aren't designers.

Step 1: Create a WordPress web app by clicking, New > WordPress.

Step 2: Set the credentials for the web app and select a service plan in India data center and add database details.



Step 3: Now, launch the web app by clicking the URL on the Overview page.



Step 4: Set credentials on the first time you will use these in future to Edit the web app and click on Install WordPress.

Step 5: Now, click on the Add a Blog Option to add a blog to your website.


Step 6: Edit the Post and add the data you want to enter then click on Publish.

Step 7: Once Published, you will get a URL for the published blog on your screen you can view it by opening the URL



A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms